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A Letter From Peter Egan to Animal Equality’s Supporters
27th September, 2021

On Tuesday 7th September, actor and animal advocate Peter Egan joined Animal Equality outside Downing Street to deliver over 225,000 signatures to the Government, demanding a ban of the importation of foie gras made by force-feeding. Over the past years, Animal Equality…

Cow lying on a slaughterhouse floor
The Butterfly Effect: The Power To Create Change Felt Around The World
12th September, 2021

Even small actions have the potential to make a global impact. Help protect animals and the planet from devastation: join our fight against industrial farming. If you’ve been following our social media channels this week, you’ll know that the deforestation that’s…

The Truth About Cows Raised For Human Consumption
3rd September, 2021

Animal Equality is committed to documenting the terrible fate of the cows who are exploited by the meat and dairy industries. Our investigative team has captured images and footage from around the world showing the harsh living conditions, unavoidable suffering, and sometimes…

5 Secrets of Animal Agriculture
1st September, 2021

As well as causing unimaginable and unacceptable suffering to animals, the animal agriculture industry has many other dark secrets which it keeps hidden from the public.  In the UK, the majority of animals come from factory farms.  This means that the vast…

Soy and Deforestation: Everything You Need to Know
20th August, 2021

In recent years much of the conversation around soy has been heavily focused on deforestation and climate change. And because soy is often a key ingredient in plant-based meals, it is a common misconception that foods promoted as meat and dairy substitutes…

Why Is Hard Rock Supporting This Extreme Animal Cruelty?
16th June, 2021

Earlier this year, the Open Wing Alliance – a coalition of animal protection organisations of which Animal Equality is a member – launched a global campaign urging Hard Rock to stop sourcing eggs from farms that cruelly confine hens in cages. Our…

A cow looking through bars from inside a dairy farm
Truth or Tales? How the Animal Agriculture Industry Tricks Consumers Into Paying for Poor Practices
8th June, 2021

‘Animal agriculture’ refers to an industry that breeds animals only to kill them.  The UK claims to be a nation of animal lovers. And, although most people agree that animal cruelty is wrong, the intensification of farming animals has increased dramatically over…

What is a company policy and how can it change the lives of millions of animals?
27th May, 2021

In recent years, corporate departments have emerged within a number of leading animal protection organisations. But what do these departments do and why do they exist?  Corporate work involves persuading companies to put in place meaningful animal welfare policies that will, in turn, significantly…

Scottish Salmon: Our Images On Prime-Time Italian TV
20th May, 2021

Last week, a report about intensive salmon farming featuring Animal Equality UK footage was broadcast on Italian prime-time television on the channel, Italia 1. The amount of salmon eaten around the world has grown exponentially in recent years, but where do the…

Animal Protection Groups Unite Against Anti-Protest Bill
20th April, 2021

Over 30 animal organisations including Animal Equality UK have joined forces with Advocates for Animals, the UK’s first animal protection law firm, to urge policymakers to vote to oppose or revise a controversial anti-protest bill. A letter signed by the groups calls…