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End Force-Feeding

Demand the UK Government bans imports of foie gras made by force-feeding ducks and geese



Animal Equality’s vision is a world in which all animals are respected and protected.

Animal Equality is an international organisation working with society, governments and companies to end cruelty to farmed animals.

Our work

Animal Equality works strategically in four distinct areas to ensure progress for animals.


Animal Equality uses a broad range of strategic campaigns to ensure all animals are treated with compassion.

Animal Equality by Numbers

Country Offices
Facilities Investigated
Investigations Released in 2023
Petition Signatures in 2024
Video Views in 2024
Media Views in 2024

The Voice of Our Supporters

“When you witness the horror that really happens behind closed doors and slaughterhouses to farm animals all over the world, it’s impossible not to be affected by it and to realise that we have to do something drastic to stop it.”

Joaquin Phoenix
Activist and actor, speaking at a protest with Animal Equality in London
“Nothing prepares you for looking into the eyes of a mother pig whose life is to be impregnated and left in a cage until she’s slaughtered. I can’t imagine how awful it must be to be literally trapped and crushing your own babies and not be able to do anything about it.”

Rooney Mara
Activist and actress, speaking about her experience inside a pig farm
“Going into that foie gras farm gave me an insight, if only brief, into the lives of the brave activists who venture into factory farms and slaughterhouses to uncover all manner of animal abuses. I’m talking about the investigators who see the kinds of things I saw and feel the kind of pain I felt, and yet make the difficult decision to go back again day after day to do more.”

Peter Egan
Activist and actor, speaking about his experience inside a foie gras farm



On Thursday 5th September Animal Equality and our legal representatives appeared at the High Court, where we were granted permission to challenge the North East Lincolnshire Council's decision to approve the UK’s first fully on-land salmon mega-farm. If constructed, this monstrous farm will ‘produce’ 5,000 tonnes of fish per year. The facility would be one of the largest of its kind globally, setting a dangerous global precedent.

Animal Equality has intensified its campaign against Denny’s, urging the American diner-style restaurant chain to fulfil its decade-old promise to end the use of gestation crates in its supply chain. These cages confine pregnant pigs to a space so small they can’t turn around and can only stand up or lie down with difficulty.

For the first time in over a decade, investigators with Animal Equality have captured images of horse slaughter in Spain. Here’s what they found…



Animal Equality UK recently attended the National Animal Rights March in London…

Hi, I’m Kirsty Gallacher, a British TV and radio broadcaster and journalist.

Hi, My name’s Chris Packham. In case you don’t know me, I’m…