The Soil Association are the UK’s biggest organic certification scheme. Despite Animal Equality uncovering shocking cruelty and unacceptable conditions on one of their dairies, they have refused to drop the farm. It’s clear from this completely inadequate response that consumers can’t trust their ‘organic’ label.
Today, a joint letter has been submitted to Michael Gove demanding that decapod crustaceans; crabs, lobsters, shrimp and crayfish, be included under the definition of “animal” in the forthcoming Animal Welfare Bill and the 2006 Animal Welfare Act. There is now much compelling evidence that decapods, just like dogs, pigs, chickens and myriad other vertebrate animals are sentient beings, able to feel pain and suffer.
How many times has someone confidently told you that a plant-based diet is bad for you? That we have evolved to eat meat, that’s why we have incisors? That our ancestors ate it and we need it to survive? Well, this month, one of the UK’s most respected bodies on diet and nutrition, the British Dietetic Association (BDA), has confirmed that a vegan diet is healthy for people of all ages.