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Dairy - Animal Equality

Suffering in the dairy industry

New investigation reveals violence and neglect on UK dairy farm

Dairy’s Dark Secret

Cows in the dairy industry suffer their entire lives. From the moment they enter this world they are treated like commodities and often develop painful medical conditions.

Just like humans, cows only produce milk for their baby. In order for us to drink their milk, the calf is removed from the mother shortly after birth. Cows are forcibly impregnated every year, putting her and her calves through a cycle of cruelty that ends with their slaughter.

By the numbers

Hour Before Calf is Taken From Mother
Cows Used for Milk in the U.K.

Relevant campaigns

Cruelty is standard practice on dairy farms. The public deserves to know the reality inside this secretive industry. Animal Equality conducts investigations and education campaigns that help reduce animal suffering.

Beyond the cruelty

Cruel dairy has devastating effects on the environment and can be damaging to our health.

International ACHIEVEMENTS

The dairy industry is a cruel and secretive industry. But with your support, Animal Equality is exposing the truth and making progress for cows and their calves.

What can I do to help?