150 new monthly donors by 31st March = £50,000 unlocked for animals. Protect animals every day: DONATE NOW


Help the most defenceless animals from home

The meat industry hides pigs, cows, chickens and other animals that are killed for human consumption from us, making them almost invisible. 

Although they feel and suffer just like other animals, they are the least protected. Fortunately, they can count on you!

Join Animal Protectors, Animal Equality’s digital volunteer group, and help end the suffering they are forced to endure on farms and at slaughterhouses by:

  • Promoting laws that tackle the worst cruelty
  • Helping to share the hidden realities of life on farms and slaughterhouses with the world 
  • Inspire people to leave animals off their plates

All this can be achieved through simple online actions that will be sent straight to your inbox! You can complete these tasks from the comfort of your home using a mobile phone or computer, taking only 5 minutes out of your day:

  • Sign petitions
  • Send emails to UK politicians
  • Tell the authorities what you think on social media

Animals need you. Sign up today!


“Being an Animal Protector means so much to me, it’s an amazing community full of like-minded people who just want the best for animals. I love collecting points so I can see how much of an impact I’m having, and every time I move up another level, I know that my actions have helped even more animals!”

— Annie

“For me, being an Animal Protector means I have an opportunity to speak up for the rights of animals whose freedoms are restricted. Seeing Animal Equality’s campaign successes, I know that I have been part of creating positive change for animals”

— David

“Supporting an effective charity like Animal Equality helps me to feel as though I am helping to alleviate the suffering of animals, with what resources I am fortunate enough to have. I am proud to be an Animal Protector!”

— Jasmine


  • Call For An End To Illegal Animal Abuse

    Every year, on average, fewer than 3% of farms are inspected. Sign our petition to ask the Government for stricter enforcement.

    Sign the petition
  • Strengthen Legal Protections For Farmed Fish

    Fish are yet to be given the same protection as other farmed animals. Join us in calling for stronger legal protections for farmed fish.

    Sign the petition
  • Help Us Ban Foie Gras In The UK

    Sign our petition, calling for a UK ban on the importation of foie gras made by force-feeding

    Sign the petition
Volunteers in the UK
Animals helped globally by our investigations so far in 2022
petition signatures globally so far in 2022


  • How To Change or Create New Laws for Animals

    How To Change or Create New Laws for Animals

    Government consultations can lead to new laws being implemented or to the strengthening of existing laws to better protect animals. In this article, we explain what Government consultations are and how they can change the lives of animals.

    Read More

  • How To Get Active For Animals

    How To Get Active For Animals

    Simple ways to help you get active for animals in your local community, while you’re out and about or from the comfort of your own home!

    Read More

  • Animal Equality’s Key Campaigns

    Animal Equality’s Key Campaigns

    Since its foundation, Animal Equality’s work has resulted in a number of incredible achievements for animals. As we continue our work to bring about further essential changes for animals, we’re focusing our efforts on three key campaigns.

    Read More

Do you have questions? We have the answers!

Why are Animal Equality and Animal Protectors primarily dedicated to protecting animals on farms and slaughterhouses?


Every year in the world more than 70 billion farmed land animals are bred and killed for human consumption. This number does not include farmed fish. But despite these alarming statistics, farmed animals are often forgotten and donations made to help them account for less than 1% of all donations to animal charities. 

By supporting Animal Equality, you will help us create a world where they don’t have to suffer.

What do I need to do to be part of Animal Protectors?


All you need to do is complete the registration form and that’s it, you’re already part of the team! You will start receiving emails with extremely simple and effective online actions to help animals immediately, like signing petitions or contacting politicians.

How do the actions of Animal Protectors help animals?


They expose the truth of the cruel and abusive treatment of animals inside farms and slaughterhouses. Through this, they inspire people to take animals off their plates, they motivate major companies to say no to cages for hens and take other actions to raise their animal welfare standards, and put pressure on the Government to pass laws to protect animals.

Can I also support street actions?


The advantage of being an Animal Protector is that most of the actions you will take are online, so you can help animals no matter where you are! On occasion, we also attend in-person, peaceful events – sign up and you’ll be the first one to know when the next one is.


The volunteers of Animal Equality UK have the responsibility to act according to the values of the organisation. By registering as an Animal Protector with Animal Equality UK, you agree to act with respect, responsibility and integrity at all times, and to abide by the instructions provided by the Animal Equality UK staff. You also agree to conduct all activities in a peaceful, non-violent manner, refraining from any kind of harassment, making threats or any illegal activities.