Matching Gift Challenge: All Donations Doubled!

Since Animal Equality was founded, our vision has been a world where all animals are respected and protected. Today, we’re excited to announce that we have an incredible opportunity to help even more animals in need. One of our supporters has kindly pledged to match every donation made to Animal Equality from now until the end of June 2020.
This means that anything you donate will be doubled, at no extra cost to you. For example, a donation of £25 automatically becomes £50 and has twice the impact for animals.

What’s more, if you become a monthly supporter then your entire first year’s worth of donations will be matched! A regular gift of £10 a month (the cost of a few takeaway coffees) from you will mean Animal Equality receives an extra £120 (£10 x 12 months) from the generous supporter who is matching all funds raised for us this month.
You can change the world for animals. Click here to donate today.
Your donation will be put to work for animals straight away. It will help us expose the harsh and hidden truths of factory farming, urge companies to adopt stronger animal welfare policies, and encourage governments to implement laws that better protect animals from animal abusers. Your support will fuel our powerful investigations and crucial campaigns, including our ongoing campaign to ban wet markets which are extremely cruel to animals and also a major threat to public health.
Since 2006, we’ve achieved countless international successes. In Mexico, the state of Jalisco made cruelty to farmed animals a crime after viewing footage from our investigations. In India, we secured a ban on imports of foie gras, a ‘delicacy’ produced by force-feeding ducks and geese. In the UK, we’ve secured multiple criminal convictions of farm workers who we caught violently abusing pigs. This is the kind of impact your donation will have on the lives of animals.
There are plenty of ways to get involved alongside donating too. You can encourage your friends and family to get involved with our Matching Gift Challenge by setting up a Facebook Fundraiser for Animal Equality UK. If you’d like to help us raise awareness about the impacts of animal agriculture on animals, the environment and human health, we offer free corporate ‘Lunch and Learn’ sessions which can be carried out remotely. And later on in the month, we’ll be hosting an exciting quiz which we would love you to join in with – stay tuned for more information!