Help us achieve a Better Deal for Animals after Brexit

Brexit poses a threat to essential animal welfare laws and we need your help to ensure that animals don’t lose vital legal protections when Britain leaves the European Union.Under the European Union Treaty, animals are recognised as sentient (having the ability to suffer) and their welfare must be protected. However, animal sentience has not been written into the government’s Withdrawal Bill or any other legislation meant to replace the EU Directives which most UK animal welfare laws derive from. This means that as it stands, when Britain leaves the EU on March 29th, animals will be left with far less protection than they have now. Sadly, without animals’ ability to suffer enshrined in law, their welfare needs do not have to be considered in future legislation. As part of an alliance with 35 other animal protection organisations working in the UK, we’ll be hosting a Parliamentary event for MPs at the Houses of Commons today making sure that the government gets a clear message that animals deserve legal protection. You can help us achieve a better deal for animals by contacting your MP and asking them to support our Early Day Motion. We must ensure that the government acts swiftly to implement a law which requires full regard to be paid to animal welfare in all future policy making.Together we can make sure that animals don’t become victims of Brexit. Act now and ask your MP to push for a strong new Animal Welfare law.