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Disturbing scenes uncovered on Italian egg farm

14/09/2018 Updated: 14/01/2021
Disturbing scenes uncovered on Italian egg farm

Animal Equality has released disturbing scenes of mite-infested hens suffering inside filthy cages on an egg farm in Italy. Our investigators found:

  • Hens and eggs completely infested with red mites
  • Decaying corpses left in cages with living hens
  • Birds with inflamed, red skin who were suffering from severe feather loss
  • Dirty cages, covered in cobwebs and dust
  • Corpses of hens and rats littering the floor of the farm
  • Caged hens with visible injuries, including broken legs

The squalid conditions make this farm a living hell for the tens of thousands of birds who are trapped here. These hens will never be able to spread their wings or feel the ground beneath their feet. An infestation of red mites which constantly crawl on the hens’ faces mean they cannot escape suffering for even a second.

  Our investigators had serious animal welfare concerns when they first visited this farm over a year ago. They passed their findings on to the authorities, however it’s apparent that since then, sadly, the situation has only worsened. Animal Equality has filed a formal complaint against the owners of the farm. Dead hens were left in their cages, forcing living birds to walk over the decaying corpses of their former companions. Rotting bodies of hens and rats also littered the filthy farm floor. We consulted veterinarian Dr. Enrico Moriconi who confirmed that these “poor hygiene conditions can lead to the entry of bacteria into eggs for food consumption”.

  Italy is one of the largest egg producers in Europe, and the majority of Italian eggs are taken from hens kept in cages like these. Eggs from these hens could be hiding in your authentic fresh pasta or Italian panettone. It’s easy for concerned consumers to make the switch to cruelty-free by choosing from the many plant-based egg alternatives available now. Visit loveveg.uk to get started!

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