Animal Equality presents its 2014 year in review.

In 2014 Animal Equality has presented groundbreaking investigations in Spain, India, Germany, Mexico and Italy, these investigative reports have reached millions of people and as in the case of Germany, where the organization exposed the so-called humane conditions in egg and pig farms, have shocked the press as well as the public.
Working closely with authorities and politicians Animal Equality managed to ban the importation of foie gras in India, as well as convince Indian authorities to restrict the transport of animals from India to Nepal during the Gadhimai festival. Animal Equality also convinced the Indian Supreme Court to pass a historical judgment banning bullock cart races. In Mexico the efforts of it’s activists and campaigners resulted in a ban on the use of animals in circuses in the state of Guadalajara and due to the organizations groundbreaking investigation into rabbit farms in Spain, several English restaurants have stopped selling rabbit meat. Animal Equality’s work in Italy resulted in a 48% drop of lamb consumption during the Easter holidays and a shocking investigation into religious slaughter was shown and debated in the Italian parliament. 2014 also saw the organization putting more efforts in countries like China, where an investigation into the cruel raccoon dog and fox fur industry that echoed internationally was carried, and a substantial increment of the organizations impact in social media, managing to reach one million facebook followers in Spain. In 2014 Animal Equality’s work was also featured in some of the most important media outlets in the world such as The Wall Street Journal, The Sunday Times, El País or Zeit who have run full page stories on Animal Equality’s work.