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Factory farming is destroying the planet

We must end animal agriculture
before it ends us

Our global food system is broken

Industrialised animal agriculture is a major driver of climate change, environmental pollution, habitat destruction, public health issues and severe animal suffering.

We’re in the midst of a planetary emergency. But as the temperatures and the sea levels rise, so must we. Help save animals, the planet and humanity: go vegan today!

Time is running out and we must act now – our survival depends on it.

Factory farming is cruel, unnatural and outdated

So what can we, as individuals, do?

A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth.

Joseph Poore
University of Oxford

We must end factory farming

It’s time for change. We can’t continue to stand by while the giant corporations behind the animal agriculture industry continue to decimate our planet for profit, destroying everything and everyone that gets in their way.

By changing what we eat, we can change the course of the future.

Take a stand with us. Join the vegan revolution!