Factory farming is destroying the planet
We must end animal agriculture
before it ends us
Our global food system is broken
Industrialised animal agriculture is a major driver of climate change, environmental pollution, habitat destruction, public health issues and severe animal suffering.
We’re in the midst of a planetary emergency. But as the temperatures and the sea levels rise, so must we. Help save animals, the planet and humanity: go vegan today!
Time is running out and we must act now – our survival depends on it.
Climate crisis
Animal farming is the major driver of greenhouse gas emissions, which are causing a climate crisis on an unprecedented scale. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), we have less than 10 years to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, beyond which we face widespread climate catastrophe including severe impacts of coastal flooding, ice cap melting, extreme weather events, and more.
A recent study published in Nature (Springmann et al. 2018) concluded that greenhouse gas emissions can not be sufficiently reduced without a global change to a predominately plant-based diet.
Photo: Denis Burdin / Shutterstock

Clearing land for grazing and producing feed (such as soy) for farmed animals is directly causing the mass destruction of rainforests, as well as the extinction of thousands of species who live in them. Trees – which help to regulate climate – are being cut down at an alarming rate, around 10 times higher than any possible level of regrowth.
According to Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, animal agriculture is the single biggest driver of Amazonian deforestation.
Photo: Animal Equality / Thomas Mendel
Water Use
Raising farmed animals uses up huge amounts of our natural resources, including water. Nearly one third of available freshwater globally is used for animal farming (Gerbens-Leenes et al, 2013), effectively being wasted while water security is becoming an increasingly urgent issue in many parts of the world.
Producing just one kilogram of beef uses around 15,000 litres of water. That means the water used to produce a 200g beef burger patty is equivalent to 60 showers!
Photo: ilikestudio / Shutterstock

Factory farming is cruel, unnatural and outdated

A deadly industry
Seventy billion land animals are slaughtered for food every single year. In the UK, around 90% of farmed animals live in intensive conditions, where they suffer immensely in overcrowded sheds, unable to express their natural behaviours or feel the warm sun on their backs.
In addition to this, trillions of fish are killed annually just to land on our plates, leaving our oceans on the verge of collapse. With the majority of the world’s fisheries now significantly depleted or over exploited, experts predict that there could be no wild fish left in our seas by 2048.

So what can we, as individuals, do?

A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth.
Joseph Poore
University of Oxford
We must end factory farming
It’s time for change. We can’t continue to stand by while the giant corporations behind the animal agriculture industry continue to decimate our planet for profit, destroying everything and everyone that gets in their way.
By changing what we eat, we can change the course of the future.
Take a stand with us. Join the vegan revolution!