Working with corporations to improve the lives of farmed animals.
Photo: SFIO CRACHO / Shutterstock.com
Our focus
Corporations large and small have the power to improve the lives of farmed animals with policy reforms. Working together we can maximise the potential effects of animal protection commitments.
Animal Equality’s corporate outreach department encourages businesses to implement meaningful animal protections that will significantly reduce the suffering of animals by ending some of the very cruellest practices in factory farms and slaughterhouses.
cages for hens
Chickens farmed for eggs are among the most abused animals on the planet. All around the world hens often face intense confinement in small cages and are denied the ability to live a natural life.
Hens who live in caged systems face a variety of problems including osteoporosis and other bone problems, discomfort and lack of exercise, and strong physical and psychological stress.

Improving the lives
of chickens
Chickens are sociable creatures who like to forage, to be with their companions, to bathe in the sand, and to bask in the sun; yet chickens raised for meat suffer in the greatest number of any land animal.
Chickens reared for meat are crammed into huge sheds and bred to grow to an unnaturally large size so quickly that their legs often cannot support the weight of their bodies. Many suffer from debilitating diseases, infection, and injuries during their short and miserable lives.
What can I do to help?
Become an Animal Protector
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