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Animal Equality’s values are compassion, determination and effectiveness.

One way that we live by these values and build the respect of our supporters and donors is by holding ourselves accountable. We value your trust and strive to work in a way that builds respect.

That’s why we welcome feedback and take complaints seriously. They offer an opportunity for Animal Equality’s team to reflect, grow, learn and improve for the future.

With a rigorous complaints process in place, we will investigate feedback and look for suitable resolutions. We will always endeavour to treat you with courtesy and to listen to what you say.


  • To have a fair complaints procedure 
  • To make it clear and easy to use for anyone wishing to provide feedback
  • To make sure the relevant individuals at Animal Equality know what to do if feedback is received To listen to, and engage with, everyone who raises an issue with us
  • To make sure that you get a prompt response
  • To make sure that all complaints are investigated fairly, consistently, confidentially and in a timely manner
  • To make sure that complaints are recorded and, wherever possible, resolved
  • To gather information that helps us improve

How to make a complaint

Post: Animal Equality UK, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX

Email: [email protected]

Please include your name and either your telephone number, home address or email address so we can get in touch with you easily. We would also be grateful if you could outline details of the complaint, why you have not been satisfied with our response so far, and what you would propose to put things right.

Our Administrative Officer will review your complaint and escalate to the appropriate member(s) of staff, where needed.

We aim to acknowledge your complaint within three working days and respond fully within ten working days, unless further investigation is required, in which case we will keep you informed of our progress.
If you feel that a complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved, you can request that the complaint is reviewed. The complaint will be passed to the Executive Director. We regularly review complaints we have received, so we can monitor themes and trends and also make sure we are learning.

There may be rare occasions when we chose not to respond to a complaint at all. These include:

  • When a complaint is about something that Animal Equality has no direct connection to. We may choose to reply but we are not obliged to.
  • When someone unreasonably pursues a complaint that we have already responded to. This will be escalated as deemed necessary, but we may choose not to reply again and we will always inform you of our decision to do this.
  • When a complainant is being obviously and objectively abusive, prejudiced or offensive in their manner. Or when a complainant is harassing a staff member.
  • When a complaint is incoherent or illegible.
  • When a complaint has clearly been sent to us and numerous other organisations as part of a bulk mailing or email. In this instance we can choose whether it is necessary for us to reply or not.
  • Where a complaint is made anonymously. However, we will investigate the complaint and use the information to improve in any way that we can.


All feedback will be handled sensitively. We will share relevant information only with those who need to know and will follow the relevant data protection requirements.

Fundraising complaint

As a registered charity, Animal Equality is hugely grateful to its supporters and we are dedicated to continuing a carefully considered, transparent fundraising approach. We are committed to the highest standards in fundraising practice.

If your complaint is in relation to fundraising and you feel that it has not been resolved with Animal Equality directly you can direct your feedback to the Fundraising Regulator who may choose to investigate your complaint further. You can find more information here.

This page has been made publicly available in compliance with the Code of Fundraising Practice.