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Volunteer Online To Help Animals: Become An Animal Protector

If you are looking for ways to volunteer for animals near you, join our impactful network of Animal Protectors!

Who Are The Animal Protectors And Why Become One?

Animal Protectors is a group of active and dedicated digital volunteers, working with us to create much-needed changes for animals. Our network includes thousands of Animal Protectors worldwide.

Animal Protectors play a critical role in achieving landmark steps forward for animals.

From achieving legislative change that can impact millions of animals, to a petition that has reached hundreds of thousands of signatures, we could not achieve the results we do for animals without the unwavering support of our Animal Protectors. 

In the past few years, Animal Protectors have helped us to achieve the following for animals:

  • 1,195,017 animals helped globally by our investigations
  • 509,607,559 animals helped by our corporate outreach work globally
  • 470585 petition signatures globally

The number of volunteers is growing worldwide! Did you know that there are currently:

  • 10,000+ volunteers in the UK
  • 154,588 volunteers around the world
  • With 5,729,028 actions taken by our volunteers globally

But don’t take our word for it! Read testimonies from current Animal Protectors below: 

Being an Animal Protector, to me, means doing the right thing by giving a voice to those who so often go unheard. I encourage others to join bevause animals need people to speak up for them. They deserve to live free from suffering, just as we do.

Andre, Animal Protector

Being an Animal Protector means so much to me, it’s an amazing community full of like-minded people who just want the best for animals.

Annie, Animal Protector

Supportive an effective charity like Animal Equality helps me to feel as though I am helping alleviating the suffering of animals, with what resources I am fortunate enough to have. I am proud to be an Animal Protector.

Jasmine, Animal Protector

Why Become An Animal Protector?

As an Animal Protector, you are essential to our work in achieving a world in which all animals are respected and protected.

Whether it’s tweeting the Government, emailing your MP, responding to a consultation or sharing an investigation video with a friend – every action you take as an Animal Protector adds up to create change for animals who so desperately need our help.

Becoming an Animal Protector is a great way to volunteer for animals – whether you’re experienced or just beginning your journey. You are a vital part of the work we do, and we couldn’t achieve our impact for animals without you!

Thanks to our network of dedicated digital volunteers, we are impacting the lives of millions of animals across the globe. 

What Skills Will I Gain As An Animal Protector?

Here are just a few of the other benefits to signing up:


You will learn more about some of the issues affecting farmed animals today. 

For example, did you know that although the production of foie gras, made by force-feeding ducks and geese, is illegal in the UK and that we still import over 200 tonnes of it into the UK every single year? 

Knowledge is power, so becoming an Animal Protector will equip you with the facts about important animal protection issues that you can use to be an effective advocate for animals.


You will receive quick and easy actions via emails to your inbox. 

These actions only take a few minutes to complete, but these tactics play a key role in a wider strategy and can add up to make a huge impact for animals.

We will give you all the information you need to complete these actions and inform you about how your critical actions are impacting animals who so desperately need our help.


As activists, sometimes it can make a world of difference to be connected with others who are passionate about the same causes as you. 

As an Animal Protector, you will be taking action alongside thousands of other dedicated volunteers, and will also have the opportunity to join us at offline events where you can meet other activists in person.

We’re excited to have you on board as we work towards critical changes for animals! If you’ve already signed up, please consider sharing our Animal Protector sign-up page with friends and family.

Big change starts small, and by sparing even just a few minutes to help animals we can use our voices to speak up for those who so often go unheard. 
