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2020 Annual Report

To our supporters,

THANK YOU! You’ve made a world of difference for farmed animals in 2020. You have shown that kindness and compassion still matter, not despite, but especially during difficult times.

Together, we’ve accomplished so much amid the numerous challenges of this year. Although limited by travel restrictions brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, we released seven undercover investigations. And in an economic recession, our corporate outreach secured policy commitments from 19 companies that will impact nearly 12.4 million chickens raised for meat and eggs each year.

Our work on behalf of farmed animals would not be possible without our caring supporters. With your help, we are impacting the lives of hundreds of millions of farmed animals around the world this year, and every year.

Thank you so much for your belief in our work.

In gratitude,

Sharon Núñez

Sharon signature
President, Animal Equality


Animal Equality presented a number of undercover investigations exposing cruelty to animals used for meat in the UK and abroad.


Public Awareness

Corporate Outreach

Animal Equality convinced 19 companies worldwide to adopt animal protection policies that will reduce the suffering of more than 12.4 million chickens used for meat and eggs each year.

Legal Advocacy

Thank you!

We didn’t do this alone.

Thank you to our donors, volunteers and Animal Protectors for standing up for animals.

Animals need you now more than ever.