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Morrisons Misery

Take Action For Animals!

Let’s make the launch of our #MorrisonsMisery campaign as impactful as possible! You can do these actions in any order, completing as many as you can. If you’re unable to take action on the 16th of April, it will still be highly impactful to complete these actions over the weekend.

DON’T FORGET: Morrisons will most likely say they are looking into it, or that some of their chicken meets Better Chicken Commitment standards (like RSPCA Assured), or Red Tractor standards – remember Red Tractor does not meet Better Chicken Commitment (BCC) standards. Remind Morrisons that you want to see it adopt the Better Chicken Commitment across its entire supply chain right away!

1. Comment on Facebook

🗣 Social media comments show customers the truth and companies know that bad animal welfare can damage their reputation. 🗣

Comment on recent posts of the following page AND send the page a message on Facebook Messenger:

If comments are blocked, you can still send Morrisons a message on Facebook Messenger.

Example comments:

  • I can’t believe Morrisons is selling meat from disease-prone chickens that live in filthy conditions. I hope Morrisons will sign the Better Chicken Commitment to finally stop this cruelty! https://bit.ly/3diHvUc #MorrisonsMisery
  • So disappointed to see that Morrisons is failing to make critical changes for chickens by signing up to the Better Chicken Commitment – Morrisons, when will you finally address the cruelty in your supply chain? https://bit.ly/3diHvUc #MorrisonsMisery
  • I always thought Morrisons seemed like a more ethical retailer but I was clearly wrong. I won’t shop here anymore now I know that it is supporting the cruellest treatment to chickens in its supply chain. https://bit.ly/3diHvUc #MorrisonsMisery

Don’t forget to ‘like’ other people’s comments about this. It will help make sure comments about the campaign appear nearer the top of the comment section.

2. Send An Email

📧 Morrisons is a major UK supermarket. Let’s send the Morrisons team an email letting them know that they have the power and influence to stop this cruelty. 📧

  • Email Morrisons’ customer service team at [email protected] (some people have reported bounce backs on the first email, but it has been tested and should be working)

Example email – please write your own using this as inspiration if you can! Unique emails are much more effective.

Dear Morrisons,

It has come to my attention that Morrisons is selling meat from disease-prone chickens that grow so unnaturally large, so fast, that they live a life of suffering. Due to their breed, they are often lame and forced to lie in their own faeces. Making matters worse, they are kept in overcrowded sheds where they can’t enjoy any natural behaviours.

I strongly believe that this is wrong. Morrisons needs to stop choosing profit over animal welfare and make a change. You have the power to influence farming in the UK and help to eliminate the worst forms of animal abuse. Will you sign up to the Better Chicken Commitment to finally address this?

Yours sincerely

3. Call Morrisons

📞 Phone calls are highly impactful 📞

Call Morrisons Customer Service on 0345 611 6111 and select Option 6 to “discuss an in store shopping experience or Morrisons product”

What should I say?

  • Hi – I’m seeing reports of chicken cruelty at Morrisons. As a Morrisons customer I’m really concerned about this, I’d like to know what Morrisons is doing to address this?
  • Hi there, I’ve seen a campaign online asking Morrisons to sign the Better Chicken Commitment to stop cruelty in its supply chain. When will Morrisons be ending this animal cruelty?
  • I’ve just signed Chris Packham’s petition about supermarkets like Morrisons, and the cruelty in its supply chain. I’d like to see Morrisons sign on to the Better Chicken Commitment because it’s backed by science and lots of different animal protection groups. Will Morrisons be signing on?

      The above are just ideas – feel free to mix it up and be creative! Please remember to be polite. Staff on the ‘front line’ are not responsible for the decisions made, but they do have the power to influence them by passing on complaints to their managers, who in turn can pass that to more senior decision makers. 

What Morrisons might say and how to respond

  • Morrisons has, over the last week or so, been telling callers that they’ll be ‘putting out improvements (to chicken welfare) in due course, when the time is right’. If you receive this response, we encourage you to challenge Morrisons: tell them that the only appropriate improvement would be to fully commit to the Better Chicken Commitment and that now is the right time!
  • Just before launching the campaign, Morrisons changed its response to “we’ve been told we’re not allowed to talk about this” – if this happens just try to keep the person on the phone talking about why you’re worried about it, why it’s bad that the supermarkets won’t comment and that it doesn’t make you feel very reassured and you could ask to log a formal complaint (they’ll want your name, email and post code).
  • They may hang up on you, or put you on hold and then cut the line. If they do, phone back and tell the person you speak to that you were hung up on and start the conversation again.

You made it!

Pat yourself on the back and take a well-earned break. Thank you for taking action to speak up for animals!

To take part in more actions to help animals, become an Animal Protector.